How to Say Goodbye to Your Child With a New Baby Sitter

Saying goodbye can be just as hard (if not harder) for parents as it is for children.
Goodbyes are a very important part of the process in helping children feel safe and confident when they're apart from Mom and Dad.

Difficulty: Moderately challenging

Things You’ll Need:

* Baby Blankets
* Infant/toddler Toys

Step1 : Spend some time with the baby sitter and your child before you leave for the first time, so that your child knows that you trust this baby sitter.
Step2 : Say goodbye to your child every time you leave, even if your child is busy playing.
Step3 : Keep it short and sweet - drawn-out goodbyes are hard on everyone.
Step4 : Tell your child (no matter how old) that you are leaving and when you will be back.
Step5 : Remind your child that the baby sitter will be caring for her.
Step6 : Establish a goodbye routine, such as a big hug and kiss or a last goodbye from a window.
Step7 : Communicate clearly with the baby sitter about ways to help your child separate from Mom and Dad.
Step8 : Encourage your child to hold something special, such as a soft blanket or toy, to comfort herself as she is saying goodbye.
Step9 : Keep photos of Mom, Dad and others around for her to gaze at when she is missing the family.
Step10 : Ask about her day and encourage her to talk about her feelings when you come home.
Step11 : Keep in mind, strategies for successful goodbyes that work with one child may not work with another.
Step12 : Remember, your child can sense your stress. Trust your instincts and try to say goodbye with confidence and love.

Tips & Warnings

* Read to your child from a book that tells about another child spending time with a baby sitter, to help her cope with feelings of anxiety about separating.